What is Square Groove Weld Joint, Weld Symbol with Examples

What is a Square Groove Weld?

In welding terminology, a Square Groove weld is a weld prepared without any weld preparation for a butt joint weld configuration (Square Groove Weld is a type of butt weld joint).

The Square Groove weld is made by depositing weld metal in the space between two pieces of metal that are flat and parallel to each other.

So, there is no weld bevel preparation in a Square Groove weld. Square groove welds are often used in sheet metal fabrication, where the lack of weld preparation makes the welding process easier and faster.

A Square Groove Weld Joint

A square groove weld is a weld that occurs when the edge of two pieces of metal are joined together at a 90 degree angle.

Related reading: Welding joints types, symbols and pictures

What does a Square Groove Weld look like?

A square groove weld is a weld where the two pieces of metal are joined by a straight, continuous weld bead that has a square cross-section without any groove angle.

This type of weld is often used in small weld thickness applications, because it is productive, good quality and reliable.

Square Groove Weld Size

Square groove weld size is an important consideration when welding sheet metals. The size of the weld will affect the strength and quality of the weld.

Weld size also affects the amount of heat that is applied to the weld, which can impact the final product. It is important to select a weld size that is appropriate for the project.

The size of a Square Groove Weld is equal to the base metal thickness (t), e.g. a plate of 1/8 inches thickness made with a Square Groove Weld will have a weld size (s-throat size) of 1/8 inches.

The excess root penetration or excess weld face reinforcement is not considered for a Square Groove Weld Size.

Square Groove Weld Example

Square groove welds are created when two pieces of metal are welded together at a 90-degree angle. This type of weld is often used in sheet metal work, as it provides a strong and secure connection.

In order to create a square groove weld, the parts are fitter flat and parallel to each other as shown in the below example.

The square groove weld is a type of weld that is commonly used in sheet metal work. This type of weld is very strong and can be used for many different applications.

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The main drawback of the square groove weld is that it is limited for small thickness only (usually up to 5 mm, although it depend on the type of welding process-a low energy welding process can be used for small thickness, but a high energy process such as Laser Welding can be used to weld Square groove welds up to 20 mm).

A Square Groove Weld vs. V Groove Weld Joint

The v groove weld is a type of weld that is commonly used in pipe welding. This type of weld is very strong and can be used for many different applications.

The main drawback of the v groove weld it require higher weld metal compared to Square Groove weld.

What is an advantage of making a Square-Groove Weld?

A Square Groove weld offers a number of advantages as a Welding Joint configuration compared to other types. The main benefits or advantages of a Square Groove Weld are:

  1. Square-groove welds are advantageous because they produce less distortion than other weld types. This is due to the fact that the weld preparation is a simple 90 degree cut, as opposed to a beveled or V-shape. This makes them good for sheet metal fabrication and other projects where precision is key.
  2. Another advantage of square-groove welds is that they have greater penetration than other weld types. This means that the weld joint will be stronger and less likely to fail.
  3. Square-groove welds are also easy to make, requiring no special welding skills or equipment. In addition, they can be used with a variety of materials, including steel, aluminum, and stainless steel.
  4. The weld should be created on both sides of the workpiece, and it is important to ensure that the weld is consistent on both sides (applicable when welding higher thickness using square weld configuration).
  5. Square groove welds are often used in sheet metal applications.
  6. Square groove welds are also relatively easy to create and do not require a lot of experience or expertise to produce a quality weld.
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Is there Double Square Groove Weld?

There is no such thing as a double square groove weld. Actually, Double Square Groove weld refers to the square weld joint configuration, where welding is carried out from the both sides.

In such cases, a partial penetration is achieved from one side followed by full penetration from other side weld that penetrate in the weld penetration created from first side, resulting in a full penetration weld using a square groove weld joint for higher thickness.

Such configuration are very common when welding with SAW of tanks or small vessels.

Square Groove Weld Callout

Weld symbols are essential for communicating with other welders and fabricators about the welding process.

A square groove weld callout is a symbol used on drawings to indicate a square groove weld.

The two vertical lines on the reference line represent the legs of the weld, and the horizontal line across the middle is the weld seam.

Example of a Square Weld Groove Callout of Square Groove Welding Symbol with joint configuration example is given below.

The dimension on the left side of weld symbol shows the weld size and dimension inside the weld symbol shows the root gap size of a Square Groove weld.

Square Groove Weld Callout

A square groove weld is a weld symbol that is composed of two vertical lines on a reference line.

The weld symbol is used to indicate the location of a square groove weld on a drawing. The two parallel lines represent the grooves of the weld, and the reference line indicates the direction of welding.

AWS Square Groove Weld Symbol

The AWS Square Groove Weld Symbol is a symbol used on engineering drawings to indicate the desired weld groove shape.

The symbol is composed of two vertical lines on a reference line. The weld groove shape is determined by the intersection of the two lines.

Related Reading: Welding Symbols- Basic to Expert Learning.

The Example of a AWS Square Groove Weld Symbol is shown in the above picture for reference.

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Square Groove Weld Strength

Welding is an important process for joining metals. The strength of the weld depends on a number of factors, including the size and thickness of the weld, as well as the degree of penetration and the stresses to which it is subjected.

Welds that are larger or thicker will be stronger than those that are smaller or thinner, and those that have full penetration will be stronger than those that do not. Weights and other stresses can also affect weld strength.

The weld size and thickness are two important factors that affect the square groove weld strength. The weld size is the width of the weld at its narrowest point, and the thickness is the depth of the weld.

The thinner the weld, the less strength it has. The greater the full weld penetration, the greater the square groove weld strength. And finally, the more stresses that are applied to a square groove weld, the less its strength.

Square Groove Weld with Backing

Square groove welds are welds that have a square shaped groove welded into them. Square groove welds can be used with a permanent or removable backing.

A permanent backing is a piece of metal that is welded to the back of the square groove weld. This backing helps to strengthen the weld and make it more durable.

A removable backing is a piece of metal that is not welded to the back of the square groove weld. This backing can be removed if needed, making the square groove weld easier to work with.

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