5 best welder pants (FRC) for men and women

What is the Safety Hazard if used wrong welding pant?

During welding, welders are exposed to high heat, spatters, hot parts, and welding arc- all different sources for a burn (fire). As we know, to avoid a fire we need to eliminate one part of the fire triangle & during welding we can’t avoid the above sources & oxygen in the surrounding.

For a fire to start, three elements are needed:

  1. Oxygen (available in surrounding when welding)
  2. Source of fire (abundant during welding such as spatters, hot parts, grinding)
  3. Fuel or anything that will burn (wrong clothing selected for a welder)

What we can do however to choose a Pant that is made of fire-resistant cloth, also known as FRC. Thus removing the one element from the fire triangle & you will make yourself & welding safe.

Quality of a Best Welder Pant

The welder pant must be:

  1. Fire-resistant Clothing: First & most important quality
  2. Comfortable: 2nd most important, So you can work in any welding position.
  3. tough (strong stitching): Give a longer life.
  4. Block UV light: another important safety feature as welding produces harmful UV rays.
  5. Breathability: Make you cool in hot weather
  6. Cover full length and fit boots: Ensure full safety coverage
  7. Moisture absorbent material: Best is cotton.

Based on these factors, we have selected the top 5 best pants for welders that are being used and reviewed by our welding community.

best Men’s welder pants

The following are the best available Welder Pants based on fellow welders’ feedback and Amazon top reviews. These pants offer comfort, high quality, FRC material & for heavy duty activities.

See also  E6013 Electrode Specification, meaning, with actual MTC

Check them out and find the one that suits you.

Why we should use FR Clothing for welding?

Fire-resistant Cloths (FRC) are essential for areas where there is a risk of fire hazards. Unfortunately, welding is one such activity that requires wearing FR clothing. In the below video, you will understand the importance of FRC.

best Women’s welder pants

Women are leading the men in the USA welding industries. Below are the recommended fire-resistant welding pants for women welders. These pants offer high quality, comfortable fit, and varied color choices.

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ARIAT Women's Bootcut (1) Ariat FR Dura Stretch Entwined Boot Cut Jeans – Women’s Comfortable Denim Color: Navy
100% Cotton,
Boot cut Jeans

Stretch Technology
Good fitting for women
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ARIAT Women's Flame Resistant Mid Rise Bootcut Jean (1) ARIAT Women’s Flame Resistant Mid Rise Bootcut Jean Color: Blue Quartz
Slimming side panels
Flat no-chafe inseams
Flame resistance specs: HRC2, NFPA20, NFPA2112
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Wrangler Riggs Workwear Women's FR Western Mid Rise Boot Cut Jean (2) Wrangler Riggs Workwear Women’s FR Western Mid Rise Boot Cut Jean Color: Dark Denim, Midstone, Crosshatch, Blue Stone, Rinse wash
100% Cotton
Regular Fit

Flame Resistant Material
Zipper closure
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best welding pants for summer

The best welding pants are fabricated with 100% cotton material. Cotton is durable, controls moisture, and is highly comfortable & economical for clothing.

Cotton does not have issues of perspiration like other synthetics clothing materials.

Synthetic clothing materials such as nylon, rayon, or polyester must not be used by the welders. First of all, they are not fire-resistant.

Any burning of such materials is quick and it will stick to the skin. Also, they are not much good to control perspiration.

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Welding pants with knee pads

Welding pants with knee pads are beneficial when welding in confined spaces, congested areas, and in-field applications.

It is good to use the above recommended FR pants and buy separate knee pads which are comfortable & good fit. Below are recommended knee pads for welders’ pants:

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knee pad for welders pant DEWALT DG5204 Professional Kneepads with Layered Gel and Neoprene Fabric Liner
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71O3F0qyk3L._SX425_ (1) Cushion Support Long Kneeling Anti-Slip Stretchable Thigh Straps
Free Leather gloves & safety glass

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welder knee pad COGURD Professional Gel Knee Pads knee pads with adjustable hook and loop straps
3 layers padding system
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