Stick/smaw welder salary in US and Canada

Who is a Stick Welder?

Stick Welding or Arc Welders or SMAW (Shielded Metal Arc Welding) is the most widely used welding process in the United State and Canada because of abundant oil & gas pipelines, refineries, and structural works (Bridges & high-rise buildings).

All these fabrication activities create a huge demand for experienced and qualified welders who can take on the challenges to perform welding in adverse weather and height. And of course, with those challenges, it pays handsome salaries too. Welders’ job in the USA and Canada is a blue-collar job as it requires manual work involved.

How much money do stick welders make (Stick Welder salary in the US)?

Reference: American Welding Society

in the US stick welders’ salary varies from state to state. Most employers pay on an hourly basis.

As per, stick welders or Arc welders in the US make $41,500 and $72,000 annually. The average salary of stick welders in the US is $15.00 per hour.

Alaska state being highly dangerous due to sub-zero temperatures and adverse weather conditions on one side offers the highest hourly rates for welders up to USD45 for various jobs listed on Linkedin and Indeed when we run a job search in Alaska.

The lowest hourly rate for welders are being paid in West Virginia and Arkansas is USD 15 on average.

Certified Stick Welder/ TIG-MIG Welder Salary in Florida

Florida offers diverse welding sectors jobs in the aerospace, shipyard, structural and automobiles, etc. to name a few sectors where a stick welder or TIG/MIG welder can get hired.

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In Florida (as well as in Orlando, Miami, Jacksonville Fort Myers, Perry, etc., USA the average hourly rate for welders is $18- $ 20 (2 to 5 years of experience).

However, experienced welders (more than 10 years) are getting up to $40 hourly working in automobile, defense, and other critical fabrication sectors.

Usually, for being hired as a welder, journeyman welder vocational/ technical school, trade school, military, or apprenticeship is required as a pre-requisition.

Companies prefer to hire welders who are able to perform as fitters or fabricators thus also allowing them to earn higher salaries.

Certified Stick Welder/ TIG-MIG Welder Salary in Texas

Texas is the hub for oil industries and has around 27 oil refineries making it one of the highest-paid states in the US for welders.

The average salary of welders in Texas- Baytown, Longwick, Dallas, Elmendorf, Houston, Galveston, Victoria, etc. is $20- $28 on an hourly basis for 1 to 5 years of experience.

Texas offers a lot of jobs for welding and related field such as fitter, fabricator, field welder, and maintenance welder, etc.

So, if you are in this field, you easily get a welder job in Texas. The experienced journeymen welders earn much higher salaries and added social benefits when they are attached to reputed employers.

Certified Stick Welder/ TIG-MIG Welder Salary in California

On average, certified stick welders in California are paid $20- $26 on an hourly basis.

Stick Welder salary in Canada

Welders in Canada are in high demand. Stick welders are mostly used for pipeline welding in Canada which runs throughout Canada’s various provinces to supply oil and gas.

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The salary of the welder is varying from location to location. In Alberta, certified welders are paid $20- $30 on an hourly basis.

Alberta province has major oil& gas companies, so welders get higher pay in Alberta compared to other nearby provinces.

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