ASNT NDT Level III Basic exam questions and answers

Practice free of charge ASNT NDT Level III Basic exam questions with answers. These exams will help you to prepare for the final exam and boost your confidence. Good Luck.

ASNT NDT Level III Examination Guide

The ASNT NDT Level III program provides third-party certification for nondestructive testing (NDT). Material welding has prepared full mock examinations to help and support the person preparing for ASNT NDT Level III examinations.

Use these mock examinations to boost your confidence for the exam and help you to self-study thus save your hard-earned money.

In case you are looking for Online ASNT NDT Level III Basic Training, send us an email at at competitive rates.

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Quit practicing blindly and start preparing intelligently with our full mock exam modeled on the actual ASNT test. The difference is night and day.

Structure of ASNT NDT level III Basic Exam

ASNT NDT Level III Basic examination is having 135 questions of equal marks and cover following topics:

  1. Administration of NDT personnel certification programs: SNT-TC-1A, 2016 edition, ASNT CP-189, 2016 edition.
  2. General familiarity with other Non Destructive Testing methods
  3. Radiography- Testing (safety, X-ray, and isotope methods)
  4. Neutron radiography (NR)
  5. Ultrasonic testing (UT)
  6. Eddy current and flux leakage testing (ECT/ MFL)
  7. Liquid penetrant testing (LPT)
  8. Magnetic particle testing (MPI)
  9. Leak testing (LT)
  10. Acoustic emission testing (AET)
  11. Visual testing (VT)
  12. Thermal/infrared Testing
  13. Materials, fabrication, and production technology related to NDT field
  14. Properties of materials, the origin of discontinuities, and failure modes related to NDT field
  15. Materials processing (casting, welding, forging, brazing, soldering, machining, heat treatment, surface treatment, adhesive bonding, etc.) related to NDT field.
  16. Dimensional metrology.
See alsoΒ  Ultrasonic testing (UT) important formulas & Calculations

ASNT NDT Level III Basic Mock exam-1

The below ASNT NDT Level III Basic Exam covers full exam questions with answers with same difficulty level.

Practice the exam without any break and skipping the video content. This will enhance your focus for CBT exam. Note down all the answers during the test and verify the answers at the end of the exam.

In near future, I will make this exam available as online quiz similar to CBT exam.

ASNT NDT Level III Basic Mock exam-2

The below ASNT NDT Level III Basic Exam covers full exam questions with answers with same difficulty level.

Practice the exam without any break and skipping the video content. This will enhance your focus for CBT exam. Note down all the answers during the test and verify the answers at the end of the exam.

Additional mock examinations links for ASNT NDT level III Basic exam are given below:

Guide for ASNT NDT Level III Basic Examination syllabus

If you are looking guidance for How to prepare for ASNT NDT Level III Examination, what is the best study material, NDT Level II exam syllabus, exam structure & other details, watch out this below video:

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Material Welding is run by highly experienced welding engineers, welding trainers & ASNT NDT Level III bloggers. We strive to provide most accurate and practical knowledge in welding, metallurgy, NDT and Engineering domains.