Carbon steel to stainless steel welding electrode

Welding stainless steel requires a certain level of skills and knowledge to handle the viscous weld pool. It is not the same as welding with carbon steel, which is why it is important to understand the differences between the two and select the best electrode for your job.

Carbon steel to stainless steel welding electrodes are special metallurgically compatible to weld two different metallurgies. These electrodes or filler wires have high amount of Chromium and Nickel compared to carbon steel or stainless steel rods.

Carbon steel to stainless steel Welding

Carbon steel and stainless steel are two different metals which have unique properties that make them suitable for various applications. Carbon steel is cheaper while stainless steel is costly although much stronger and tougher.

Welding these two metals together requires a welding electrode that can accommodate the differences in their characteristics resulted due to their chemical and mechanical properties.

Note that Carbon steel has a lower melting point compared to stainless steel, which makes it easier to weld while stainless steel has higher melting point and more viscous weld pool with lower fluidity. This is where carbon steel to stainless steel welding electrodes come into play. These electrodes have been specifically designed for welding these two distinct materials together by providing a balance between their varying properties.

Related Reading: Welding stainless to mild steel: Step by Step Procedure

Carbon steel to stainless steel welding electrode

The best electrodes & filler wires for Carbon steel to stainless steel welding are:

  1. E309L-15
  2. E309L-16
  3. E309L-17
  4. ENiCrFe-3
  5. ENiCrMo-3
  6. ER309L
  7. ER309LSi
  8. ERNiCr-3
  9. ERNiCrMo-3
See also  Welding rods 6013 uses

Related Reading: Welding Electrode/ Filler wire/ Filler metal Selection Chart

Electrode ClassificationSpecificationWelding Polarity
E309L-15AWS A5.4DCEP
E309L-16AWS A5.4DCEP
E309L-17AWS A5.4DCEP

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