ER4043 TIG-MIG Welding Wire: Specification, properties, Uses

ER4043 or AlSi5 (As per ISO 18273) is a Silicon-Aluminum base Solid TIG & MIG Aluminum Welding filler wire rod available in spool and straight rods. ER4043 is a versatile Aluminum filler wire electrode used for welding 1100, 3003, 6065, 6065, 6061, 6201 and many other aluminum grades.

Alloying with silicon provide high wetting during welding and reduce the weld cracking sensitivity. This makes ER4043 a good aluminum welding filler wire rod for General purpose welding applications.

ImageProductDetails  Price
Hobart Make ER4043 MIG wire SpoolBest Quality Wire
Dia 0.030-Inch
Suitable for many aluminum grades welding
Blue Demon ER4043 TIG WireDia 3/32 inch,
Quality TIG wire
YESWELDER ER4043 TIG WireUSA Reputed Welding Brand
TIG Wire
Dia. 3/32″

ER4043 Welding Wire Specification-Classification

ER4043 TIG Welding and MIG Welding Filler wire rod specification is AWS A 5.10. ER4043 is the classification of this wire.

StandardApplicable Specification
AWS A5.10/ ASME Section IIC, SFA 5.10ER4043
WB/CSA W48-06ER4043
ISO 18273AlSi5
AMS4190K5.2Si (4043)
ER4043 Filler wire rod Specifications

The F-Number of ER4043 is 23.

Related Reading: What is F-Number in Welding for all types of Welding rods?

ER4043 Welding Wire Chemical & Mechanical Properties

ER4043 (as per AWS A5.10/ ASME Section IIC-SFA 5.10) or AlSi5 (As per ISO 18273) chemical compositions are mainly Silicon (4.5- 6%), Iron (0.8%) and other alloying elements as minor alloying elements are given in the below table.

Silicon (Si%) – 4.5% – 6%Magnesium (Mg%) – 0.05%
Iron (Fe%) – 0.80%Zirconium (Zn%) – 0.10%
Copper (Cu%) – 0.30%Titanium (Ti%) – 0.20% max
Manganese (Mn%) – 0.05%Aluminum (Al%) – Balance
Beryllium (Be%) – 0.0003%Other elements – 0.05 each to 0.15 in total
ER4043 Chemical Composition, single values are maximum permitted.

Note: There are no mechanical properties (Tensile strength, Yield strength & Elongation and Toughness) required for ER4043 as per AWS A5.10.

See also  Groove Weld vs Fillet Weld

Typical mechanical properties offered by welding consumables manufacturers for ER4043 TIG-MIG Filler wire are given in the below table for reference purposes only.

The reason for not specifying the mechanical properties for ER4043 is because of changes in strength due to different welding processes and heat input.

Tensile Strength21- 33 Ksi (145- 228 MPa)
Yield Strength10- 27.5 Ksi (70- 190 MPa)
Elongation5 to 12%
ER4043 Mechanical properties

ER4043 gives a minimum tensile strength of 14 ksi (95 MPa) and fair weld metal ductility.

ER4043 Melting Point

Melting point of ER4043 wire is 1065°F – 1170°F. ER4043 has a lower melting point and higher fluidity compared to ER5356 welding wire.

Due to lower melting point and resultant higher molten pool fluidity, ER4043 is also used for aluminum brazing applications.

Related Reading: Aluminum Welding Rods-How to Choose the Right One

What does ER4043 stand for?

ER4043 is a TIG & MIG Aluminum Welding solid filler wire having low melting point and higher weld pool fluidity compared to ER5356 filler wire.

ER4043 has lower weld cracking sensitivity for 6XXX aluminum grades making it a better option for welding compared to ER5356 Filler wire. ER4043 weldments can be used for service temperatures up to 65°C (150°F).

The main chemical composition of ER4043 is silicon with other minor alloying elements listed above.

What is ER4043 welding Filler Wire Rod used for?

ER4043 welding filler wire rod is a Si-Al based alloy that is commonly used to weld automotive parts, trailers, and structures made from wrought/ extruded aluminum or Cast Aluminum.

It can also be used to weld bicycle frames. The alloy has good resistance to corrosion and cracking, making it a popular choice for these applications.

See also  Strength Calculations

ER4043 Welding Positions & Polarity

ER4043 can be used in all position welding using TIG & MIG welding. in TIG welding usually AC with HF current is used. in MIG, DCEP Welding polarity is used for ER4043 welding wire.

ER4043 TIG & MIG Welding Shielding Gas

Pure Argon (100%) is used when performing TIG and MIG Welding with ER4043 Aluminum welding filler wire electrode.

Argon being an inert gas, provides clean welds with good weld penetration. Aluminum is having a high thermal conductivity and hence use of argon gives deep weld penetration.

ER4043 TIG-MIG Welding Parameters

The most important parameter for ER4043 in TIG or GTAW is the current & Voltage. The current affects the size and shape of the weld pool.

It also affects the heat input and penetration into the metal. Too much current can cause excessive heat input and melting of the base metal.

It can also cause excessive spatter and poor weld quality. Too little current will produce a weak weld that may not be able to withstand stress.

Recommended TIG (GTAW) and MIG (GMAW) welding parameters for ER4043 welding filler wire are given in the below table. Pure argon (100%) is used as a welding shielding gas when welding with ER4043.

What is the difference between ER4043 and ER5356?

ER4043 and ER5356 are aluminum welding wires that have different properties. ER4043 is a Silicon-Aluminum base wire while ER5356 is Magnesium-Aluminum base wire.

ER4043 has a low melting point but higher molten pool fluidity compared to ER5356 wire.

ER5356 welding wire is suitable for anodizing after welding however ER4043 does not suit after weld anodizing weld applications.

See also  Melting Point of Metals

ER5356 is a magnesium-containing wire that has a higher weldability, higher welding strength and better ductility. It is best used for welding thicker sheets of aluminum.

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