Underwater welding schools in Florida

Underwater welding schools in Florida

Underwater welding is a challenging and rewarding career that requires a unique set of skills and training.

In Florida, there are several schools that offer training in this field, including CDA Technical Institute, Hydroweld, Commercial Diving Technologies Institute (CDT), Divers Academy International (closed now) and Divers Institute of Technology are some well-known underwater welding schools.

Read more: What is Underwater Welding?

Commercial Diving Technologies Institute

located in Florida that specializes in providing training for individuals looking to enter the commercial diving industry.

The institute’s underwater welding program is designed to provide students with the skills and knowledge necessary to safely and effectively perform welding, cutting, and burning operations underwater.

The program is a full-time, 12-week program that covers all aspects of commercial diving, including welding, cutting, burning, and rigging. Students will receive both classroom instruction and hands-on training in a controlled environment.

Underwater welding schools in Florida CDA-Technical-Institute

The curriculum is designed to prepare graduates for entry-level positions in the commercial diving industry and also prepares them to take the American Welding Society’s D3.6 Underwater Welding Certification.

In addition to the underwater welding program, CDTI also offers other courses such as Diver Medic Technicina, Underwater burning Specialist, Unrestricted surface supplied diver and national surface supplied diver.

To learn more about CDTI’s underwater welding program and other courses, you can visit their website at www.cdtinstitute.com.

Contact Number: (352) 209-1234

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CDA Technical Institute

CDA Technical Institute in Florida is a leading underwater welding school that offers a comprehensive training program for individuals looking to enter the commercial diving industry.

See also  Underwater Welding Schools
Underwater welding schools in Florida CDA Technical Institute

The institute’s underwater welding program is designed to provide students with the skills and knowledge necessary to safely and effectively perform welding, cutting, and burning operations underwater.

The program is a full-time, 10-week program that covers all aspects of commercial diving, including welding, cutting, burning, and rigging. Students will receive both classroom instruction and hands-on training in a controlled environment.

The curriculum is designed to prepare graduates for entry-level positions in the commercial diving industry.

To learn more about CDA Technical Institute’s underwater welding program and other courses, you can visit their website at:

Contact Number: 888-974-2232

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Hydroweld USA

Hydroweld is situated in 114 Dockside Circle Weston, Florida. Hydroweld also have training center in UK and Thailand and offers underwater welding courses.

Contact Number: 954-385-5678

Click here for Google Map Location.

Related Reading:

  1. Best Welding Schools in the USA.
  2. Top 10 highest paying welding jobs.
  3. How much a Welder Earn: Find out in this post.
  4. Underwater Welding Schools in Texas

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